Task QA Score Duration
1. hifa_importdata: Register measurement sets with the pipeline
Score = 1.0
1.00 1:24:09
2. hifa_flagdata: ALMA deterministic flagging21.18% data flagged
Score = 0.7057711444026213
0.71 6:02:33
3. hifa_fluxcalflag: Flag spectral features in solar system flux calibrators
Score = 1.0
1.00 0:00:11
4. hif_rawflagchans: Flag channels in raw data
Score = 1.0
1.00 0:52:09
5. hif_refant: Select reference antennas
Score = 1.0
1.00 0:03:44
6. h_tsyscal: Calculate Tsys calibration
Score = 1.0
1.00 0:53:30
7. hifa_tsysflag: Flag Tsys calibration
Score = 0.9830136611012609
0.98 0:59:45
8. hifa_antpos: Correct for antenna position offsetsNonzero antenna position offsets
Score = 0.9
0.90 0:00:34
9. hifa_wvrgcalflag: Calculate and flag WVR calibration1.24x improvement
Score = 0.67
0.67 1:54:20
10. hif_lowgainflag: Flag antennas with low gain
Score = 1.0
1.00 1:45:08
11. hif_setmodels: Set calibrator model visibilities
Score = 1.0
1.00 2:34:42
12. hifa_bandpassflag: Phase-up bandpass calibration and flagging
Score = 0.9927320740000658
0.99 4:11:54
13. hifa_bandpass: Phase-up bandpass calibration
Score = 1.0
1.00 5:03:48
14. hifa_spwphaseup: Spw phase offsets calibrationExcellent stability Phase RMS (<30deg).
Score = 0.9
0.90 0:52:05
15. hifa_gfluxscaleflag: Phased-up flux scale calibration + flagging
Score = 0.9988027468579029
1.00 2:14:50
16. hifa_gfluxscale: Transfer fluxscale from amplitude calibrator
Score = 1.0
1.00 3:34:53
17. hifa_timegaincal: Gain calibrationPotential phase offset outliers
Score = 0.8
0.80 7:00:04
18. hifa_targetflag: Target outlier flagging
Score = 1.0
1.00 7:03:53
19. hif_applycal: Apply calibrations from context39.21% data flagged
Score = 0.3780267608556601
0.38 12:19:15
20. hif_makeimlist: Set-up parameters for phase calibrator & bandpass calibrator & flux calibrator imaging
Score = 1.0
1.00 0:16:39
21. hif_makeimages: Make calibrator imagesRMS vs. sensitivity
Score = 0.41553409322470347
0.42 1:06:02
22. hif_makeimlist: Set-up parameters for check source imagingNo clean targets expected
Score = None
N/A 0:00:24
23. hif_makeimages: Make check source imagesNothing to image
Score = None
N/A 0:00:23
24. hifa_imageprecheck: ImagePreCheck
Score = 1.0
1.00 2:39:59
25. hif_checkproductsize: Check product size
Score = 1.0
1.00 3:25:24
26. hifa_renorm: RenormRenormalization applied
Score = 0.9
0.90 14:34:33
27. hifa_exportdata: Prepare pipeline data products for export
Score = 1.0
1.00 0:47:42
28. hif_mstransform: Create science target MS
Score = 1.0
1.00 0:46:59
29. hifa_flagtargets: ALMA Target flagging
Score = 1.0
1.00 0:20:55
30. hif_makeimlist: Set-up parameters for target per-spw continuum imaging
Score = 1.0
1.00 0:19:27
31. hif_findcont: Detect continuum frequency ranges
Score = 1.0
1.00 12:03:20
32. hif_uvcontsub: UV continuum fit and subtraction
Score = 1.0
1.00 3:27:56
33. hif_makeimages: Make target per-spw continuum images
Score = 0.9974367234208661
1.00 1 day, 3:01:00
34. hif_makeimlist: Set-up parameters for target aggregate continuum imaging
Score = 1.0
1.00 0:20:55
35. hif_makeimages: Make target aggregate continuum images
Score = 0.9978905604469224
1.00 7:49:13
36. hif_makeimlist: Set-up parameters for target cube imaging
Score = 1.0
1.00 0:22:21
37. hif_makeimages: Make target cubes
Score = 0.9897346549489234
0.99 3 days, 7:32:49
38. hif_makeimlist: Set-up parameters for representative bandwidth target cube imagingNo clean targets expected
Score = None
N/A 0:01:07
39. hif_makeimages: Make representative bandwidth target cubeNothing to image
Score = None
N/A 0:00:49
40. hif_selfcal: SelfcalNo QA
Score = None
N/A 0:21:56
41. hif_makeimlist: Set-up parameters for target per-spw continuum imagingNo clean targets expected
Score = None
N/A 0:00:48
42. hif_makeimages: Make target per-spw continuum imagesNothing to image
Score = None
N/A 0:00:49
43. hif_makeimlist: Set-up parameters for target aggregate continuum imagingNo clean targets expected
Score = None
N/A 0:00:47
44. hif_makeimages: Make target aggregate continuum imagesNothing to image
Score = None
N/A 0:00:49
45. hif_makeimlist: Set-up parameters for target cube imagingNo clean targets expected
Score = None
N/A 0:00:48
46. hif_makeimages: Make target cubesNothing to image
Score = None
N/A 0:00:49
47. hif_makeimlist: Set-up parameters for representative bandwidth target cube imagingNo clean targets expected
Score = None
N/A 0:00:48
48. hif_makeimages: Make representative bandwidth target cubeNothing to image
Score = None
N/A 0:00:49

CASA logs and scripts