Task QA Score Duration
1. hifa_importdata: Register measurement sets with the pipelineFlux catalog service not used. Source.xml is the origin.
Score = 0.3
0.30 0:25:24
2. hifa_flagdata (failed): ALMA deterministic flaggingNo QA
Score = None
N/A 0:00:57
3. hifa_fluxcalflag: Flag spectral features in solar system flux calibrators
Score = 1.0
1.00 0:00:05
4. hif_rawflagchans: Flag channels in raw data
Score = 0.9998296782632716
1.00 0:07:24
5. hif_refant: Select reference antennas
Score = 1.0
1.00 0:00:35
6. h_tsyscal: Calculate Tsys calibration
Score = 1.0
1.00 0:12:13
7. hifa_tsysflag: Flag Tsys calibration
Score = 1.0
1.00 0:16:37
8. hifa_antpos: Correct for antenna position offsets
Score = 1.0
1.00 0:00:07
9. hifa_wvrgcalflag: Calculate and flag WVR calibration
Score = 1.0
1.00 0:11:08
10. hif_lowgainflag: Flag antennas with low gain
Score = 1.0
1.00 0:13:53
11. hif_setmodels: Set calibrator model visibilities
Score = 1.0
1.00 0:25:04
12. hifa_bandpassflag: Phase-up bandpass calibration and flagging
Score = 0.9254809661102987
0.93 0:35:10
13. hifa_bandpass: Phase-up bandpass calibration
Score = 0.9431087905135767
0.94 0:38:08
14. hifa_spwphaseup: Spw phase offsets calibration
Score = 1.0
1.00 0:07:03
15. hifa_gfluxscaleflag: Phased-up flux scale calibration + flagging
Score = 0.9927751340967904
0.99 0:19:52
16. hifa_gfluxscale: Transfer fluxscale from amplitude calibratorInternal spw-spw consistency
Score = 0.5
0.50 0:36:09
17. hifa_timegaincal: Gain calibrationPotential phase offset outliers
Score = 0.5
0.50 1:20:27
18. hif_applycal: Apply calibrations from contextPhase vs frequency slope outliers
Score = 0.9
0.90 1:35:27
19. hif_makeimlist: Set-up parameters for phase calibrator & bandpass calibrator & flux calibrator imaging
Score = 1.0
1.00 0:01:23
20. hif_makeimages: Make calibrator images
Score = 0.9961102703058557
1.00 0:49:59
21. hifa_renorm: RenormRenormalization applied
Score = 0.9
0.90 0:18:50
22. hifa_exportdata: Prepare pipeline data products for export
Score = 1.0
1.00 0:11:31
23. hif_mstransform: Create science target MS
Score = 1.0
1.00 0:05:06
24. hif_makeimlist: Set-up parameters for target per-spw continuum imaging
Score = 1.0
1.00 0:00:49
25. hif_findcont: Detect continuum frequency ranges
Score = 1.0
1.00 2:16:12
26. hif_uvcontfit: UV continuum fitting
Score = 1.0
1.00 0:14:14
27. hif_uvcontsub: UV continuum subtraction
Score = 1.0
1.00 0:10:27
28. hif_makeimlist: Set-up parameters for target aggregate continuum imaging
Score = 1.0
1.00 0:00:44
29. hif_makeimages: Make target aggregate continuum imagesRMS vs. sensitivity
Score = 0.8931772265892446
0.89 0:28:05
30. hif_makeimlist: Set-up parameters for target cube imaging
Score = 1.0
1.00 0:00:45
31. hif_makeimages: Make target cubesMOM8 FC image indicates residual line emission
Score = 0.5513569256001367
0.55 3 days, 7:30:15

CASA logs and scripts