Click on each LineID_AT taskbar to see the table of spectral lines identified by that task. All lines with the same number
in the blend column are part of a blended line (e.g., with hyperfine components), the principal component
of which will have non-zero startchan and endchan that indicate
the full range of the emission.
You can edit the spectral line table to
either feed back into LineID_AT or to supercede its output LineList_BDP.
The radio buttons on each row control the disposition of that spectral line:
- accept -- Accept this line identification, but don't force it. When LineID_AT is re-run, it will likely identify the same line in the same channel range, assuming not too much else has changed in your inputs. Choosing 'accept' will disregard any edits you make to the line identification.
- force -- Force LineID_AT to identify the selected channel range with the line you specify. Choosing 'force' enables editting of the text boxes. Note that force is cumulative, so that each time you press "Set LineID Force/Reject Keywords", the new forces are added to the previous forces.
- reject -- Reject LineID_AT's identification at the selected channel
range, so it can search for a different identification there. LineID_AT will not repeat this identification for this (but not another) channel range. Choosing 'reject' will disregard any edits you make to the line identification. You can not reject an Unidentified line.
The buttons at the bottom are as follows:
- Reset -- Undo your edits and restore the table to its original version. Note, if you have already overwritten the LineID Output BDP, the only way to get back the full version is to re-run LineID_AT with no force/reject keywords set.
- Add Line -- Add a row to the table for a new spectral line.
- Set LineID Input Keywords -- Create the force and reject keyword strings based on your edits, and tell LineID_AT. If you re-run the flow, LineID_AT will be rerun using these keywords.
- Overwrite LineList Output BDP -- Skip re-running LineID and just overwrite its output BDP. Use this if you are just going to proceed on with LineCube_AT, etc, and not re-run LineID_AT