Task QA Score
2. hifa_flagdata: ALMA deterministic flaggingNon-representative SpW(s) flagged for low transmission
3. hifa_fluxcalflag: Flag spectral features in solar system flux calibrators0.00% data flagged
4. hif_rawflagchans: Flag channels in raw data0.00% data flagged
7. hifa_tsysflag: Flag Tsys calibration21.91% data flagged
10. hif_lowgainflag: Flag antennas with low gain2.90% data flagged
19. hif_applycal: Apply calibrations from context15.02% data flagged
29. hifa_flagtargets: ALMA Target flaggingFlag Summary off

Warnings and errors

Stage Task Type Message
10 hif_lowgainflag Warning uid___A002_Xdab261_X1801a.ms - the following antennas are fully flagged for one or more spws, but since these comprise all refants, the refant list is *NOT* updated to re-order these to the end of the refant list: DA48, DA41, DV14, DV23, DV08, DA62, DV22, DA45, DA59, DV04, DA60, DV01, DA50, DA65, DV17, DA58, DV09, DA47, DV13, DV03, DV25, DV07, DA46, DA53, DV11, DV15, DA49, DA52, DV10, DA51, DA54, DA56, DV20, DA42, DV19, DA64, DA43, DV16, DA63, DA61, DA44, DA57, DA55, DV24 and DV05