22. hif_makeimlist: Set-up parameters for phase calibrator & bandpass calibrator & flux calibrator imaging |
1.00 |
23. hif_makeimages: Make calibrator imagesRMS vs. sensitivity |
0.97 |
24. hif_makeimlist: Set-up parameters for check source imagingNo clean targets expected |
N/A |
25. hif_makeimages: Make check source imagesNothing to image |
N/A |
27. hif_checkproductsize: Check product sizeNo size mitigation |
1.00 |
31. hif_makeimlist: Set-up parameters for target per-spw continuum imaging |
1.00 |
32. hif_findcont: Detect continuum frequency ranges |
1.00 |
34. hif_makeimages: Make target per-spw continuum imagesRMS vs. sensitivity |
1.00 |
35. hif_makeimlist: Set-up parameters for target aggregate continuum imaging |
1.00 |
36. hif_makeimages: Make target aggregate continuum imagesRMS vs. sensitivity |
1.00 |
37. hif_makeimlist: Set-up parameters for representative bandwidth target cube imagingNo clean targets expected |
N/A |
38. hif_makeimages: Make representative bandwidth target cubeNothing to image |
N/A |
40. hif_makeimlist: Set-up parameters for target per-spw continuum imagingNo clean targets expected |
N/A |
41. hif_makeimages: Make target per-spw continuum imagesNothing to image |
N/A |
42. hif_makeimlist: Set-up parameters for target aggregate continuum imagingNo clean targets expected |
N/A |
43. hif_makeimages: Make target aggregate continuum imagesNothing to image |
N/A |
44. hif_makeimlist: Set-up parameters for target cube imaging |
1.00 |
45. hif_makeimages: Make target cubesMOM8 FC peak SNR and flux histogram |
0.99 |
46. hif_makeimlist: Set-up parameters for representative bandwidth target cube imagingNo clean targets expected |
N/A |
47. hif_makeimages: Make representative bandwidth target cubeNothing to image |
N/A |