Observation Execution Time

Start Time 2015-05-19 21:04:18
End Time 2015-05-19 21:35:48
Total Time on Source 0:24:56
Total Time on Science Target 0:07:55
listobs output
Intent vs. Time for uid___A002_Xa10d09_X29f.ms

Intent vs Time

Track scan intent vs time

Field vs. Time for uid___A002_Xa10d09_X29f.ms

Field vs Time

Track observed field vs time

Spatial Setup

Science Targets 'OMC-1S'
Calibrators 'J0522-364', 'J0541-0541' and 'J0750+1231'

Spectral Setup

All Bands 'ALMA Band 6' and 'WVR'
Science Bands 'ALMA Band 6'

Antenna Setup

Min Baseline 21.4 m
Max Baseline 555.5 m
Number of Baselines 666
Number of Antennas 37
Antenna Diameters 37 of 12 m

Sky Setup

Min Elevation 39.41 degrees
Max Elevation 53.46 degrees


Weather Details for uid___A002_Xa10d09_X29f.ms

Weather plot


PWV Details for uid___A002_Xa10d09_X29f.ms

PWV plot
