1) Download all files from https://bulk.cv.nrao.edu/almadata/public/SIS2024/ALMA_Pipeline_Tutorial/Selfcal/ 2) Untar the ms file - tar xvzf uid___A002_Xdf0444_Xc22.ms.tgz 2) Start casa 6.5.4-9 with --pipeline, run execfile('prep_data.py') and check if it runs properly. It should create a weblog pipeline* that has importdata and mstransform. The directory should contain a uid*_targets.ms file after it runs successfully. 3) Run casa -c auto_selfcal.py with casa 6.5.4-9. After this is finished, it should create a lot of files and a weblog directory in the same directory where you ran it. Check if weblog shows that selfcal ran successfully.