## Edit the USER SET INPUTS section below and then execute this script (note it must be in the 'calibrated/working' directory. import glob as glob __rethrow_casa_exceptions = True pipelinemode='automatic' context = h_init() ########################################################### ## USER SET INPUTS ## Select a title for the weblog context.project_summary.proposal_code='NEW AGGREGATE CONT' ## Delete uid*_targets.ms and flagversions if it exists os.system('rm -rf uid*_targets.ms') os.system('rm -rf uid*_targets.ms.flagversions') ## Select subset of sources to image by field name. ## To select all fields, set MyFields='' MyFields='Serpens_Main_850_09' ############################################################ ## Move cont.dat to another name if it exists os.system('mv cont.dat original.cont.dat') ## Make a list of all uv-datasets appended with *.ms MyVis=glob.glob('*.ms') try: ## Load the *.ms files into the pipeline hifa_importdata(vis=MyVis,dbservice=False,pipelinemode=pipelinemode) ## Split off the science target data into its own ms (called *targets.ms) and apply science target specific flags hif_mstransform(pipelinemode=pipelinemode) hifa_flagtargets(pipelinemode=pipelinemode) ## calculate the synthesized beam and estimate the sensitivity for the aggregate bandwidth and representative bandwidth for three values of the robust parameter. hifa_imageprecheck(pipelinemode="automatic") ## check the imaging product size and adjust the relevent imaging parameters (channel binning, cell size and image size). ##User can comment this out if they don't want size mitigation. hif_checkproductsize(maxproductsize=350.0, maxcubesize=40.0, maxcubelimit=60.0) ## Skip the continuum subtraction steps and make an aggregate continuum image with all unflagged channels (file named cont.dat should NOT be present in directory). hif_makeimlist(specmode='cont',field=MyFields,pipelinemode=pipelinemode) hif_makeimages(pipelinemode=pipelinemode) ## Export new images to fits format if desired. hifa_exportdata(pipelinemode=pipelinemode) finally: h_save()